Corona and its role in our future life

Book description -


           Currently, as the world prepares for the second bout of Covid scare what with the latest new entrant - the Mutant Coronavirus, there appears to be no end in sight to this crisis. At times like this when the negatives seem to overwhelm the positives, this book titled “Thank you Corona (Covid 19)” might sound a bit burlesque.


But in fact, the book is anything but that. It offers a pragmatic look at the current situation, drawing the reader’s attention towards the positive impact that the crisis has had on the entire world. It is a genuine effort on the part of the author to make the reader realise that the picture is not as bleak as it appears and that we have gained much as a community.


           With each chapter the book explores, in detail, the impact that the pandemic has had on every aspect of humanity ranging from society, to business to health industry. The facts are concise and he has clearly elucidated the benefits that were gained from the various scenarios. A well researched book, it is the author’s genuine attempt to add his two pence to making the world a better place.


           Every chapter is well penned with suitable references for a clearer understanding. The language is kept simple and flowing which makes for an easy read. In times of grey the book comes as a bright spark of colour and by the time the reader turns the last page, he is left hopeful for a brighter tomorrow.


  thank you corona
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